After I helped start our team in 2015, we built three robots to compete in FRC.
2016 - Focaccia
Our first year I served as the lead for the entire robot division, about 40 students and 10 mentors. We focused on building a robust, simple robot that could assist the other members of our alliance when competing—and it worked! The team won the Rookie All-Star Award at the Silicon Valley Regional and made it to the quarterfinals in the Curie Division at the World Championship!
2017 - Ciabatta
The next year I focused on the team's software, including a Gradle-based modular build environment and more complex control systems for our second robot.
I also developed a new architecture for the software of our robots that was put into use the next year. The core of it, along with some high-level documentation, can be found here. It used a DAG of interdependent code fragments with caching and actuator-driven updates to dynamically minimize the amount of software running at any given time and attempt to guarantee response rates.
2018 - Baguette
At this point B.R.E.A.D. was finally ready to take on some more complicated engineering challenges. We machined Baguette from scratch, built an elevator, modeled the physics for all our actuators, and implemented PID loops. I helped with all of that and served as Systems Integration Lead to help ensure it went smoothly. I provided a holistic viewpoint in decision making and planning as well as facilitated inter-group communication.