
This is a selection of my more complete, interesting, and/or new projects. Click through to learn more!

Live Rego Code Blocks

Node.js Go

The Open Policy Agent uses a declarative, domain-specific language called Rego for defining policies. During my internship at Styra, I developed a postprocessor for their Markdown/Hugo-based documentation pipeline that enables interactive example blocks of Rego code that can be interwoven with explanatory text.

Papier Libéré

Computer Vision Web Workers React.js

Having toyed around with computer vision in the past and being frustrated with the price and writing experience of existing "smart paper" scanning systems, I decided to develop my own. It's still very much in a prototype state, both in terms of features and code quality, but the site and image importing process is functional!

B.R.E.A.D. - FIRST Robotics Competition

Robotics Java

I helped start my highschool's FRC team (B.R.E.A.D.) and performed various roles while building competition-ready, 80+ pound robots.

Electronics Labs


I enjoyed working on electronics in highschool but only finished a few major projects. Now that I'm at university, I've been having a blast building everything from discrete state machines to AM transmitters!

Mechanics and Vibrations

Dynamics Control Systems MATLAB

In Spring 2019 I took the Dynamics and Vibrations class in Brown's Engineering department. My lab group and I built some fun projects including a "minus k" compressed-spring vibration isolation system and fully closed-loop quadcopter control system.


Ceramics Knitting

I took a semester of ceramics during highschool to fulfill my art requirements and enjoyed it so much that I took it again. Since then I've also taken up knitting! Here's a few of my pieces.